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Skylar Renslow

I mostly walk around, take pictures, and write things.

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TMT Day 2 - The Eagle Ale House

My first foray into the world of pubs and publicans.

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TMT Day 1: You can't beat cheap beer

On my trip to English flavo(u)r town.

TMT Day 1: You can't beat cheap beer
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In Pictures: Oaxaca City, Mexico

A photo walk through Oaxaca City, Mexico, during one of the biggest parties of the year - the Guelaguetza.

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In Pictures: Montevideo, Uruguay

Some street photography, failed portraits, and a big glass of wine.

In Pictures: Montevideo, Uruguay
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Postcard #014: Ecuador

On having pride in your country.

A view of Cotopaxi Volcano hiding behind some clouds in Ecuador.
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In San Cristóbal, Comal is about the food

One Mexican chef's lifelong journey with food.

Comal restaurant in San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico.
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TDG #024: There's a Better Way to Travel Italy

Hey friends, First thing, Substack released a new referrals feature, so I figured I'd turn it on for now and see what happens. I might tinker with the referral structure, but for now the rewards are set at: * 3 referrals = 1 month free * 5 referrals = 3 months free

A view of Barga, Italy.
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TDG #023 - Your Guide to Buenos Aires

Sometimes a city just steals your heart.

A building at dusk in Buenos Aires
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City Guide: Buenos Aires

A picture of a building during sunset in Buenos Aires.
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TDG #022: Lessons from 12 months on the road

Some advice that may or may not be useful.

A view from the Piedras Rojas in the Atacama Desert, Chile